Why Unicorns?

YES I use unicorns as my theme for both websites and maybe its rather cliche. I just wanted to take the time to explain what the symbol means to me here, and what it has to do with life in general in my world.

The unicorn has one single horn located where we would locate the pineal-pituitary glands in our brains. The center of the brain is located the pineal gland a mysterious part of our anatomy said to be shaped like a pine cone and used in ancient architecture and paintings as a depiction of this mysterious part of our consciousness. Its also been said that this is where DMT is created in our brain the powerful chemical that takes us to parts of our phyche that leave us confused in our modern world; grasping for answers as to what it means , if its a dream state in a brain-hallucination? or is it our connection to real worlds beyond our own? As we Produce this chemical naturally its something that we all possess. As an artist I naturally travel to these places in my imagination and have been doing so since I was a child, and so did all of us when we were children. Maybe this is why its a childhood symbol in our modern culture, though it was often associated with royalty in the past.