Monthly Archives: June 2013

Why Unicorns?

YES I use unicorns as my theme for both websites and maybe its rather cliche. I just wanted to take the time to explain what the symbol means to me here, and what it has to do with life in general in my world.

The unicorn has one single horn located where we would locate the pineal-pituitary glands in our brains. The center of the brain is located the pineal gland a mysterious part of our anatomy said to be shaped like a pine cone and used in ancient architecture and paintings as a depiction of this mysterious part of our consciousness. Its also been said that this is where DMT is created in our brain the powerful chemical that takes us to parts of our phyche that leave us confused in our modern world; grasping for answers as to what it means , if its a dream state in a brain-hallucination? or is it our connection to real worlds beyond our own? As we Produce this chemical naturally its something that we all possess. As an artist I naturally travel to these places in my imagination and have been doing so since I was a child, and so did all of us when we were children. Maybe this is why its a childhood symbol in our modern culture, though it was often associated with royalty in the past.


Karma and Ascension

Karma and Ascension work is available with the Quantum Biofeedback training. These programs are good for the person who is ready to make that big change in their lives. People that are not afraid of rearranging the current status of what is around them in order to manifest and make room for a new higher vibration in life. In order to do this we must take a look at what we want to change in ourselves and not be afraid to look at the shadow self. We can’t change our current vibration if we are stuck and afraid of looking into that etheric mirror and be ready to see what we want our lives to truly be in a genuine sense. If we are stuck and want to get unstuck sometimes we have to be ready to take risks, and go where we haven’t gone before (yes…star trek). This can be scary but it can be exciting if we have faith in ourselves and of the universal healing Consciousness that envelops and surrounds us all. Like the bird who uses its wings for the first time, and is unsure if he can fly we must trust in our own abilities and trust in the greater energy around us. No one said it would be easy but easy and hard are really just opinions anyhow.Its kind of like when something shocking happens in our lives and we are stricken with sadness over this loss and later down the line we look back and go, That was the best thing that could have happened to me, I wish I would have had more faith at that time; It would have been a lot more easier in the process. Hind site is 20/20, so it not like we ever know what’s in store for us. All we can do is be brave and dive in. If we don’t take that plunge or aren’t ready for that deep ocean then that’s ok too, its not the time, but those who are ready I say great! Let’s get started!!!!!