
fairycrystalweb1 Crystals

A Biofeedback definition of crystals. “Crystal Healing is an example of how electrical field stimulation can create a response in the body. A crystal can be describes as an organized and compressed bunch of similar molecules, put together by nature itself. One of the qualities of a crystal is that they emit a subtle electrical energy field, mostly due to the internal pressure of the molecular signatures. this is known as the “piezo-electric efffect”. These fields tend to reflect the inherent organization of the crystalline molecules and create a “coherent” , or organized, electrical field over the distressed part often displays ‘incoherent’, or a scrambled quality. Sensitive individuals can pass their hands over the body and detect subtle changes in the energy field over a problematic area. Usually the area is colder or hotter than the rest of the electromagnetic field around the body of the individual. Much like scanning the surface of water and lightly skimming your hand over the top. when a coherent crystal field is placed in the proximity of change of temperature in the body or gap, a response can trigger particularly if the crystal-field is strong enough and specific enough to address a particular aberrant frequency pattern. Also the use of the crystal healer’s own chi charging the crystals on the person can add more electrical surge to the crystal themselves as they are like batteries and recorders picking up and transferring energy. Throughout history, healers have known certain stones and crystals have specific effects on certain functions and parts of the body.  Many energy workers have experienced and observed a physical response in their clients such as pain relief, reduced inflammation, and rapid healing with these ancient techniques. I once healed a friend from a hangover with the use of crystals placed all over her body and it took the entire horrible feeling away. Many also theorize that given the physical body is much denser and less responsive to energies than the ‘non-physical’ bodies, that illness and disease most likely occur first as a change in the energy field followed ultimately with a physical symptom or response if the stressor is not detected soon enough. By working in the energy field and the problem in that level we work out the physical problem as well.To ignore the energy field (which is what modern medicine does) is to ignore the vast depths of existence below the surface waves, and to discount the elegant complexity and intelligence of nature.”

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Not to mention that we use crystal technology in modern appliances all the time, ie. computers are made up of silicone parts, so are crystals, so computers are really one big crystal. Watches all have a piece of quartz in them to run the battery flow, cd’s are actually a layer of crystal in order to record the information on them. The big issue in our concepts of health is that its a little known fact that our own bodies are electric. And if we ourselves also run on electricity via our nervous system than why not recharge with crystals?? why is it so far fetched to people? Because our society does not even teach in the collective education that we are electric therefore what we do in science and technology with crystals is not even known to the everyday person who could be using crystals to energize their lives. Crystals are all different and have different medicinal uses. You can put a crystal in your drinking water to energize its electromagnetic frequency and therefore change your own in the process. though I would recommend to not use any pf the grounding  stones for this unless you are prepared for some possible powerful detoxifying side affects. I would recommend clear crystal points to start off with. Below I will show my own crystal collection and how the different colors can affect your lives.

collection Crystals

Here is my magical cupboard of healing crystals. I will show you some of the different ways they work and how each color family and gemstone family differ in their usages.

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Lets start with gounding stones since its the beginning of the chakras and works the location of the groin area all through the base of the spine. The basic steps in using these stones are the colors associated with this chakra point in general. Red, black, and grey stones are connected to this area and should be used for different circumstances. Its always safer to start off with a smokey quartz  or grey/black family when beginning work on this chakra because the red stones stimulate the area and if you or the person you are working on has a sexually transmitted disease the red stones may make it work by over stimulating the already over stimulated chakra. Above is a picture of some base chakra stones. Like I said above I would not recommend using these stones in your homemade water elixirs unless you are prepared for some possible side affects of extreme detox. these stones are good for getting your life back on track and feeling connected to the  earth again as first chakra is our connection to the planet. Some of the stones shown in the picture are:

Smokey quartz: definition from the book of stones says: ’a variety of quartz a silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 7. A hexagonal (trigonal) crystal system and forms in prisms. This stone can get even the most spaciest individuals get their “land legs” so they can fully function as physical beings.’

Snowflake obsidian: Definition from the book of stones says: “perserverance, insight, attunement to spiritual guidance, past-life recall, spirit communication. Element: Earth. Chakra ROOT (1st),THIRD EYE (6th)

Hematite: Definition from the book of stones says: Grounding, manifestations,making the spiritual physical. ELEMENT: EARTH. CHAKRA: ROOT(1st) For hematite magnets: ALL)

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Here is an example of Hematite magnets. See how they stick together?? They are hematite and magnets all in one. I like to use hematite for people with blood circulation issues and arthritis. This is a very powerful tool and can be used on any joints where there is pain and to increase blood flow.

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are Second chakra stones: are used for the second chakra located in the womb/reproductive area of the body. these stones are excellent for reproductive health. As wealth as creative stimulation, and sexuality. Lets take a look at some of the stones pictured above and what the Book of Stones has to say on what they do. I like to start with Carnelian as its in the quartz/Agate family and has excellent properties to it.

Carnelian: Courage, vitality, Sexuality, Confidence, Action. ELEMENT: FIRE. Chakras: ROOT (1st) SEXUAL,CREATIVE(2nd), Solar Pexus (3rd)

MoonStone: Mystery, Self discovery, intuition, insight, dreams, the goddess. ELEMENT: WIND. Chakras: Third eye(6th), and Crown(7th). a Feldspar mineral system, a potassium aluminum silicate with a hardness of 6-6.5. Its crystal system is monoclinic and prismatic. FYI-the book does not associate it with the 2nd but I do recommend its use there as the second chakra is connected to the moon cycles and so is this stone.

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3rd Chakra stones are firstly associated with the yellow gemstone families. Here are some examples of some. Pictured here are real citrine(not heated amethyst which is what many people buy when they do not know that they trick us with this process) and Honey Calcite.

The third chakra is connected to the planet Mars its our Ego and also located in our solar Plexus) stomach regions. This region is connected to our stress points and gut issues in our bodies. Many of us have stomach issues especially when we are stressed out. this is because our bodies go into FLIGHT OR FIGHT and all our energy source goes to our limbs leaving NO energy to energize the middle part of our bodies where our vital organs live! OMG!!The opposite of FLIGHT OR FIGHT is REST AND DIGEST. so the solar plexus and the 3rth chakra are very important to us. Definition for these two stones pictured above :

Citrine: Manifestations, Personal will, Mental clarity, creativity. ELEMENT:FIRE. CHAKRA: ROOT(1st) SEXUAL, CREATIVE(2nd), SOLAR PLEXUS (3rd). Citrine is a member of the Quartz group with a hardness of 7. Its crystal system is Trigonal and its yellow pigmentation is derived from iron. “Citrine opens the doors to increases clarity of thought. Enhances creativity and magnified powers of will and manifestation.” I would agree with this statement. Citrine is a powerful manifestation stone and I do recommend using it in your water as an elixir to bring forth manifesting abilities.

Honey Calcite: Clarity of insight and action, confidence, persistence, and intellectual power. ELEMENT: WIND. ROOT (1st), SOLAR PLEXUS (3rd), THIRD EYE )(6th). Honey calcite can occur in either massive or rhombohedral crystal form. It assists in bringing about that unique combination of mental clarity, focused energy, and groundedness necessary to successfully complete complex tasks or long term projects.

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HEART CHAKRA, 4rth. The green family has many friends. to name a few shown above we have jade, Aventurine(quartz family), Chrysocolla, Amzonite(a mix between 4-5th chakra) Aquamarine( a mix of fourth and fifth chakra as well) Ocean Jasper, Bloodstone, Chrysophase, Prehnite(mix of 3rd and 4rth). Green stones are healing heart stones. These are used before the pink stones to  let go of old emotions, and trauma, and to assist in the growth of the healing of heart energy as well as the growth of all issues in the body. Green stones should not be used on people with cancer as they are not trying to stimulate growth but to eliminate growth of a foreign object in the body. Pink stones are better for this particular issue.

OCEAN JASPER: enjoyment of life, release of negativity, and stress, relaxation, positive self expression, physical and emotional healing. ELEMENT:EARTH:SOLAR PLEXUS:HEART(4rth):Throat(5th).

Aventurine: VITALITY, growth, confidence. ELEMENT: WATER:Chakras:Heart(4rth).

Chrysophase: Growth, compassion, connection with nature, forgiveness, altruism. ELEMENT: WATER. CHAKRA:HEART(4rth)Solar Plexus(3rd). IS a green chalcedony, a member of the quartz family group with a hardness of 7. Its crystal system is hexagonal(trigonal). Chrysophase is a lovely green stone of the pure green Ray ans as such it is a stone of the heart.Its color speaks of strong healing energy and of its connection to the domain of nature spirits.

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THE HEARTH CHAKRA(4rth). Used to bring back the forces of love, compassion, relationships, understanding of difficult situations, giving and receiving, accepting love in your life. this is my favorite color family, I guess it just speaks to me. I love the feeling I get when using these pink stones. Some of the ones pictured here are: Pink calcite clear, Pink Mangano calcite, Rose quartz, Rhodochrosite, Rhodolite, Morganite, pink tourmaline, watermelon tourmaline, ruby, garnet.. Its always a good idea to start with the gentle healing qualities of the rose quartz first then work your way up to pink mangano calcite then the other stones. Especially when dealing with getting back that loving feeling that one may have lost along the way of life. Some of us have more healing to do than others in this particular family of stone colors.

KUNZITE: divine love, emotional healing, activation of the heart’s knowing. ELEMENT: WATER. Chakras:HEART(4rth). Kunzite opens the heart to love, love for humanity, animals, plants, minerals, -all that is. Most importantly Kunzite is a conduit from one’s heart to the vibration of divine love.

Morganite: DIVINE LOVE, and Compassion. ELEMENT: WATER:Chakras:Heart(4rth). Morganite is a pink variety of beryl. A beryllium aluminum silicate mineral with a hardness of 7.5-8. Its a crystal system is hexagonal)(Trigonal)Its color is caused by manganese.  As rose quartz is the great energizer of personal love and self love, Morganite is attuned most clearly for the frequency of divine love. Morganite opens the heart on another level, making us aware of the huge ocean of cosmic love within which we all exist.

Rhodochrosite: Emotional healing, recovery of lost memories and forgotten gifts, self love, compassion. Element: FIRE. Chakra: Heart 4rth, Solar Plexus (3rd). A manganese carbonate with a hardness of 3.5-4. Its crystal system is hexagonal(trigonal).

ROSE QUARTZ: LOVE, gentleness, emotional healing, release of stress, uniting with the Divine. ELEMENT: WATER. CHAKRA. HEART(4rth).

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5th, 6th, chakra AND PURPLE STONES 6th, 7th chakra. Pictured here are Bluelace agate, Angelite, covelite, charoite, Amethyst, Labradorite, Apatite, Sodalite, Sugilite.

5th and 6th CHAKRAS:
Blue lace agate is a great stone to cool down whatever ailment in the body is flaring up with hot energy. Like pain, sexually transmitted diseases, vocal courage and relaxation. I like to use this for joint problems, throat issues thyroid issues, when you talk too much, and feel like you have to over explain yourself, when you are in flight or fight mode, when you’re third eye is over-active, and in general when you’re just too heated up! Blue lace agate is a cooling stone. And I love it.
Its associated with the 5th Chakra but can be used like I said anywhere in the body where there are hot spots.

Covelite: Psychic abilities , inner vision, Transformation, bridging the higher and lower worlds. ELEMENT: STORM. CHAKRAS: ALL. A copper sulfide mineral with a hardness of 1.5-2. Its crystal system is hexagonal. It occurs most often in massive form or as a coating on the copper minerals, though it occasionally forms as tabular crystals with hexagonal striations. Covelite connects strongly with physical reality and Earth energies. and at the same time carries much of the higher spectrum of vibrations from the etheric plane and beyond. Like humanity at this time of transition, covelite is bridging two worlds.

5th, 6TH and 7th CHAKRAS

Sugilite: Dreams, Spiritual protection, and purification, becoming a beacon of light. ELEMENT: WIND. CHAKRAS: THIRD EYE (6th)CROWN(7th)Transpersonal and etheric (8th-14th). Is a rare potassium sodium lithium iron manganese aluminum silicate mineral with a hardness of 6-6.5. Sugilte is one of the premier stones for this age, because of its numerous beneficial properties. Among them are the protection from negative influences in one’s environment. the enhancements of one’s abilites to ground spiritual energies, the awakening of the crown chakra, the emanation of the pure violet ray of purification and a strong influence for healing.

Sodalite: Access to subconscious and intuitive abilities, enhanced insight and mental performance, deepened intuition. ELEMENT:WIND. CHAKRAS: THIRD EYE(6th). Sodalite is a chloric sodium silicate with a hardness of 5.5-6. The name refers to its sodium content. Sodalite’s crystal system is isometric, formed of rhombic dodecahedra.

Turquoise: Wholeness, communication, and spiritual expansion.ELEMENT:STORM. CHAKRAS:THROAT(5th). Turquoise is not only the stone for finding wholeness and truth, It is also an aid in the communication and manifestation of those qualities. It stimulates and harmonizes the throat chakra, making it more effortless for one to articulate and bring forth one’s deepest wisdom.

Amethyst: Protection, purification, Divine connection, release of addictions. ELEMENT: WIND. CHAKRAS: THIRD EYE(6th), CROWN(7th),(8th and beyond, above the head)

WHITE PRECIOUS OPAL: Intensification of emotions, purification, ELEMENT: WATER. CHAKRAS:ALL. White precious opal is the seed of the “holy fire”, the intense spiritual energy that consumes the impure aspects of the self without necessarily “burning” us (causing stress or discomfort). the more willing we are to release our attachments to our angers, fears, wounds or other negative patterns, the better it can work. White precious opal is an emotional amplifier.

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SMOKEY Quartz with sulfur inclusions. Here is an example of a smokey with additional properties. It has yellow sulfur that has grown inside. I like to use this to really cleanse and ground my ROOT chakra, the 1st.

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. this isn’t just an ordinary satyloka quartz:-))) it has a x-mas tree formation growing inside! When I first held this crystal it got super hot instantly like its spirit was calling me. I love this stone and is one of my favorites!!!I l use this one for meditation and for healing the connection to the higher self.

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Fairy Stones and Astral stones:

Staurolite: white x shape stone. Grounding and physical well being linking with the near realms of fairies, devas, animal and plant consciousness. ELEMENT: EARTH. CHAKRAS: ROOT 1st, HEART 4th, THIRD EYE 6th, CROWN 7th.

Andalusite: Pink x-shape stone. Cleansing, comforting, protective, retrieving ancient information. ELEMENT: STORM. CHAKRAS, ROOT(1st)THIRD EYE (6th). The vibrations of andalusite are slower than those of many other crystals and minerals, but they are profoundly powerful and beneficial. These are ancient stones, and they carry in their crystalline structure the very heartbeat of the Earth. Andalusite is a wonderful stone for healers, due to its ability to connect one to a constant flow of high frequency-energy as it completes a grounding circuit with the Earth.

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Painting I did of Andalusite sometimes called the fairy cross

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SELENTITE: one of the most important stones for healing is Selenite. I use this stone to clear energy from other stones and jewelry, as well as when I meditate, or work on someone else. It has powerful clearing properties that clear negativity and re-charge all the stones as well as itself, and yourself! I love this Stuff . Excerpt from the book of stones :Spiritual activation, communion with the higher self, spirit guides and angels. ELEMENT: WIND. CHAKRAS: THIRD EYE(6th)CROWN(7th)TRANSPERSONAL AND ETHERIC(8th-14th, above the head)

tibetan Crystals

TIbetan Quartz: Here is one of my many Tibetans one of the best stones to work with in order to raise your frequency. It has been said that one should start with a smaller piece than the one above and make your way up the size to acclimate to the higher frequencies it has. This particular Tibetan has three terminations on the one end and one large termination on the other. This makes it very good for healing and also has many air bubbles, and rainbows, which raises its frequency.

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SHAPES: So one may be wondering, what shape is the best? In the store or online there are many cuts and shapes of crystals. Personally I like the natural points the best. WHY? They are more powerful. This is because the natural matrix of the crystal is intact and is running its electromagnetic energy like a battery naturally terminated crystals are very powerful and are the best for making elixirs as well. The more terminations the stronger the frequency. Do not use crystals with dark inclusions for elixirs as this may  stimulate the root(1st) chakra and like I warned above give you a detox you will never forget, in a bad way. It doesn’t always happen but It has happened to me and I never want to do that again…for real.

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