About me

buddhagirlcolorWEB1 About me

I am originally from the Los Angeles area and went to school and college out here for art and design. I have always been an artistic person and also have always been sensitive to the subtle energy fields we called electromagnetic fields. Although I am not licensed in medicine I have been trained in the energy healing arts and have been helping people this way for as long as I can remember. The energies are always there some of us sense it more than others but we all sense it in some way or another. This is how we feel someone staring at us and look back , or know something is about to happen before it does. I have become certified in biofeedback so that I may be able to assist others more with the help of this very amazing and powerful tool. The art on this page and on my sister page unicornlovur.net are all my personal work. I am currently writing a book about my childhood visions in an illustrated format that you can see on this other site. Although we cannot always see spirit spirit is in everything. Its what makes us alive instead of being dead. there is no proof of an afterlife but there is proof that we are all sentient beings feeling with more than five senses. Just likeĀ  animals and plants do. We share this in common whether its the collective unconscious like Jung calls it or something else. We all hear it feel it sense it , in some way or another. I have seen this first hand many times. though because I have seen the miracles of nature communing with our souls through animals and synchronicity does not mean we have all allowed ourselves to see these experiences. I understand that some of these concepts are hard for some to grasp because seeing is believing. But believing is seeing as well. Sometimes we have to believe in order to see. We have to believe in the power of the unknown whether its unknown science yet to be discovered or any other form of belief system one may carry with them in the journey through life. Most of all its the belief in ourselves, to have the power within us to know what is good for us and what is not. No matter how healthy we are if we surround ourselves in a negative environment we will eventually fall victim to that energy that energy will lower your own and so when people are angry that they are sick and struggling with something physical i ask you to change your life. change what is toxic in your life, whether its the food you eat, the water you drink or the mobility status you are currently undertaking. Make a step to change what is no longer working for you and you will see the shift. Sometimes its harder to do this because of the extreme stress we can be under. And we need something to help us get motivated to start exercising or eating better. This is where biofeedback can help.

click on my art and design website www.unicornlovur.net

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