What is Quantum Biofeedback? to start with, its an FDA approved device for the following:
Stress Reduction
Relaxation Training
Muscle- Re-education
Pain Management
Brain Wave Relaxation training.
How does it work?
Biofeedback instrumentation uses mild electrical impulses that measure skin temperature known as (EDR) Electro Dermal response. The change in temperature is caused by the degree to which a person’s sweat glands are active. Stress tends to make the glands more active and this lowers the skin’s resistance. The more relaxed you are, the dryer your skin will be and the higher the skin’s electrical resistance. When you are under stress your hands sweat and therefore the resistance goes down.
The body had components of electromagnetic static with frequency patterns that have resonance and self correcting capacities. By training with the electromagnetic signals we can assist the body and mind to learn how to respond differently.
At the level of the atom, we know that electrons whirl about the nucleus in certain energetically defined orbits.
In order to move an electron from a lower to a higher orbit, a quantum of energy with very special frequency characteristics is required.
An electron will only accept energy of the appropriate frequency to move from one energy level to another. This is required atomic frequency is referred to as the “Resonant Frequency”
Atoms and molecules have special Resonant Frequencies that will only be excited by energies of very precise vibratory characteristics. For instance the singer who is able to shatter a wine glass by delivering a high amplitude note does so by singing in the precise Resonant Frequency of the glass.
E=MC2 E= Energy and M= Mass
What we see as solid matter is equally perceivable as energy. For example, water exists in 3 states: vapor, liquid, and solid. Vapor is not always visible, but it exists.
The molecules of water have more energy, are moving faster in vapor state than as liquid. The term for this change in state or form is a Quantic Change.
This concept of Quantic change is the basis for modern physics. Physics has revealed that wherever there is energy, there is an electrical magnetic component.
Benveniste’s research is based on the fact that molecules vibrate- a fact known for decades. These vibrations create electromagnetic signals. Millions of biological molecules can communicate at the speed of light.
Identifying the specific electromagnetic frequency of the different molecules allows modern science to intervene using sound or light to train specific electromagnetic frequency changes- a discovery that continues to be ignored by most established medicine.
Brain nerve cells, when stimulated, create electrical energy which activated nerves. this is recorded as brain waves by an electroencephalogram. (EEG)
The nerve activities cause muscles to shorten and move the body, and to stimulate the heart, lungs, blood vessels, intestines, and glands. When a muscle shortens, an electrical current is generated which can be recorded by an electromyogram. (EMG)
The electrical heart activity is picked up by an electrocardiogram (EKG)
The human body is permeated by a Quantum Energy field.
Both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicines acknowledge a body system of meridians, through which flows an energetic and information laden substance known as Chi.
Every human thought and action is accompanied by electrical activity in the nervous system and by biophoton communication among the cells.
In the physical body there are two primary electrical systems. One is the well known alternating electrical current of the nervous system, the brain, neurons and the nerves, which causes muscle contractions, nerve transmission, glandular secretion, and sensation.
The other is a newly discovered electromagnetic system surrounding atoms and cells. This energy has been called an aura or energy field.
The external electromagnetic energy is theorized to penetrate the body through acupuncture points and flows through the meridians into the whole field. Thus, it also flows through the connective tissues. the electromagnetic environment is a milieu in which life and physiological happenings occur.
For all systems to be healthy, a rich electromagnetic field must be present. The sheaths surrounding the nerves are not merely insulation as described in established biology but are “real wire” that reach into each area of the body to create a normal electrical environment around each cell, or a stimulatory one when healing growth is needed.